Create a website

Differences between basic and pro websites

See the summary of differences between basic and pro websites listed in a table below for your convenience.

Feature Basic $25/month Pro $50/month
Admin member 1 admin member Unlimited admin members
Provider Growerse Growerse
Maintenance cost $25/month, unlimited number of orders Various plans (starting from $50/month, limited with 1000 orders per month)
Admin API
Admin API v.2
Admin two-factor authorization
Affiliate system
Website selling
Free balance
Support assignment
Start count parsing 1000 queries - $15
Auto complete 1000 queries - $15
Subscriptions Only options that are offered by the Growerse All options available
Order refill Only options that are offered by the Growerse All options available

What is a basic website?

A basic website, within the context of SMM platforms, is a simplified version of a more comprehensive pro website, offering a limited selection of features. It's designed for those who seek a more affordable entry point into the market or a supplementary platform linked to a more advanced pro website like Growerse.

Utilization of Basic Websites

Basic websites serve as a white-labeled solution for pro website owners to expand their service offerings. They can be sold to customers looking for an entry-level platform, making them ideal for newcomers to the reseller market or those with smaller operations.

Utilization of Pro Websites

Pro website owners can easily start selling basic websites by activating this feature in their settings. This allows their customers to order basic websites directly. Additionally, pro website admins can purchase basic websites on behalf of their customers, facilitating a personalized selling approach.

In summary, while basic websites offer a cost-effective solution with certain limitations, pro websites provide complete control and a full feature set essential for substantial business growth. The choice between the two depends on your business goals, budget, and desired level of control over the platform.

Key Differences Between Pro and Basic Websites

Maintenance cost

  • Basic Website: Typically costs $25/month with no limit on monthly orders. However, all orders are processed through the linked pro website, which manages all order processing. This setup limits the growth potential due to restricted features.
  • Pro Website: More expensive but provides extensive functionality essential for scaling your business and managing a high volume of orders.

Feature Selection and Use Limitations

  • Basic Website: Lacks several advanced features like admin API, average time display, affiliates, multi-currency module, updates page, and more. It cannot sell its own basic websites, and features like subscriptions and order refills are available in a limited capacity.
  • Pro Website: Offers a full range of features without restrictions, enabling comprehensive management capabilities and the potential for significant growth.


  • Basic Website: Confined to a single provider — the linked Pro website it relies on for processing orders.
  • Pro Website: Growerse as their provider, granting them the autonomy to sell websites and present themselves as the provider to others.

Pro Website Exclusive Features

  • Multi-currency & Multi-language: Enables the website interface to support various languages and currencies, enhancing accessibility and user-friendliness for a diverse, global audience.
  • Admin API & Admin API v.2 beta: These functionalities allow for the integration of Growerse products and services into websites and the automation of tasks, facilitating service offering expansion and customization.
  • Admin Two-factor Authorization: Adds a layer of security for staff accounts with email-based two-factor authentication, protecting against unauthorized access.
  • Affiliate System & Website Selling: Encourages user base expansion through a referral program and allows for the provision of website solutions to customers under your brand, respectively.
  • Free Balance & Support Assignment: Offers a one-time free balance to new users to incentivize sign-ups and improves support efficiency by enabling the assignment of support messages to specific staff accounts.
  • Updates & Subscriptions: Keeps users informed about new features or changes via automatic updates and automates the application of services to new content for continuous engagement.
  • Refill & Start Count Parsing: Provides flexibility in order refills and a paid feature that assesses the initial quantity of items before placing a service order, aiding in accurate service planning.

All Features between basic and pro websites

See all features between basic and pro websites listed in a table below for your convenience.

Feature Basic $25/month Pro $50/month
User Interface
Language packs
Delivery time
Mass orders
User API
RTL support
Order history
Deposit history
Time zone
Password reset
User two-factor authorization
User notifications
Various types
Service descriptions
Service categories
Likes spread
Refill check
365-day Refill button
Import from Growerse
Sync with Growerse
Copy from Growerse
Mass edit rates
Deny duplicates
Cancel services
Restore deleted services
Bulk actions
Start count parsing*
Auto complete*
Accept payments
150+ payment methods
Method instructions
Extra fee
Currency conversion
Min & max payment amount
Payment bonuses
Manage payments
Export payments
Order processing
Growerse balance check
Update from Growerse
Auto & manual modes
Export orders
Resend orders
Cancel & refund
Partial quantity
Start count
Copy to clipboard
Status change
Edit links
Admin API
Admin API v.2 beta
Refill management
Automation management
Subscription management
User management
Create user accounts
Custom rates
Bulk custom rates reset
Copy rates
Amount spent
Allowed payment methods
User discount
Suspend users
Export users
Access rules
Email address confirmation
Customizable Signup form
Visual Theme Editor
Create pages
Page visibility
Block types
Block settings
Block layouts
Block styles
Block background
Block forms & tables
Duplicate blocks
Menu items
Navbar logo
Unique content
WYSIWYG text editor
Text blocks
Video Blocks
Image Blocks
How It Works Block
Reviews Block
Features Block
FAQ Block
Totals Block
Adaptive Blocks
Color Customization
Theme Styles (Out Twig docs link)
Reset Styles
File Manager
Font Awesome icons
Pixabay integration
H1, H2, H3 tags
Image SEO
Google Analytics
Payment reports
Order reports
Support reports
Profit reports
Admin options
Help center
Staff notifications
Bell notifications
Saved support replies
Provider alias
Admin two-factor authorization
Dark mode
Affiliate system
Website reselling
Free balance
Support assignment
Average time
Content delivery network
Unlimited Bandwidth
DDoS Protection
Free SSL Certificate
Regular Backups
Google Analytics
Google Tag Manager
Zendesk Chat
Facebook Chat
WhatsApp Chat Button

Explanation of Basic and Pro websites

Look through the features below to understand the benefits of our platform better.

User Interface


Our search feature is simple and quick. It helps you find services without trouble. You can easily look for what you need or browse through options. Our search brings you the right results fast. This saves you time. The search tool is important for easy access to services. You don't need to go through many pages. Everything you need is a search away. This makes your work easier and helps you focus on important tasks.


Sync comments network from Growerse enables users to integrate and manage comments across the platform efficiently. This feature streamlines communication, ensuring users can easily access and engage with feedback from various sources within Growerse, fostering a connected and interactive community.

Language packs

Ready-made translations: English, Turkish, Russian, Arabic, Korean, Spanish, Hindi, Portuguese (Brazil), German, Thai, Vietnamese, French, Chinese, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Ukrainian, Persian

Other supported languages: Afrikaans, Amharic, Aragonese, Azerbaijani, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Bihari, Bengali, Breton, Bosnian, Catalan, Corsican, Czech, Welsh, Danish, Greek, Esperanto, Estonian, Basque, Finnish, Faroese, Frisian, Irish, Scots, Gaelic, Galician, Guarani, Gujarati, Hausa, Hebrew, Croatian, Hungarian, Armenian, Interlingua, Icelandic, former, Hebrew, Javanese, Georgian, Kazakh, Cambodian, Kannada, Kurdish, Kyrgyz, Latin, Lingala, Laothian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Macedonian, Malayalam, Mongolian, Moldavian, Marathi, Malay, Maltese, Norwegian, (Bokmal), Nepali, Dutch, Norwegian, (Nynorsk), Norwegian, Occitan, Oromo, Oriya, Punjabi, Pashto, Portuguese, Quechua, Romansh, Romanian, Sindhi, Serbo-Croatian, Sinhalese, Slovak, Slovenian, Shona, Somali, Albanian, Serbian, Sesotho, Sundanese, Swedish, Swahili, Tamil, Telugu, Tajik, Tigrinya, Turkmen, Tonga, Tatar, Twi, Uighur, Urdu, Uzbek, Walloon

Delivery time

Delivery time allows users to check when their orders will be delivered directly from their orders page. This feature ensures users are well-informed about the timing of their purchases, enhancing transparency and planning.


Our platform supports Progressive Web Application (PWA). This means you can use our platform like an app on any device. It's easy to access and works offline too. This makes managing tasks simpler, wherever you are.

Mass orders

Mass orders allow you to place many orders at once. This is good for sending out a lot of items together. It makes things quicker and easier, especially if you have to send the same thing to many places. This way, you save time and effort.

User API

User API methods let your resellers interact with your website through an API. This makes it easier for them to connect and automate tasks, saving time and streamlining their operations.


The multi-language feature allows your website's interface to support multiple languages. This adapts your platform to different users, making it more accessible and user-friendly for a global audience.


The multi-language feature allows your website's interface to support multiple languages. This adapts your platform to different users, making it more accessible and user-friendly for a global audience.

RTL support

Right-to-left (RTL) support ensures that languages like Arabic and Hebrew display correctly. This is crucial for users who read and write in RTL languages, improving their navigation and user experience.

Order history

Order history lets users see all their past orders in one place. This is helpful for tracking purchases, services, and any actions taken, ensuring users stay organized and informed.

Deposit history

Deposit history shows users their account funding activities. This transparency helps users manage their budgets and understand their financial transactions within the website.


Being mobile-friendly means users can easily access and use the website on smartphones and tablets. This ensures that users have a consistent experience across devices, enhancing convenience and accessibility.

Time zone

Time zone setup allows users to adjust the time zone settings on your website. This customization ensures that time-sensitive information matches the user's local time, improving usability and accuracy.

Password reset

The password reset feature enables users to easily recover access if they forget their passwords. This security measure ensures users can maintain access to their accounts without unnecessary delays.

User two-factor authorization

User two-factor authorization adds an extra layer of security by requiring email-based verification for logging in. This optional feature protects user accounts from unauthorized access.

User notifications

User notifications are essential for sharing important updates and information with website users. This keeps users informed about changes, updates, or any critical issues they should be aware of.


The support system allows users to reach out to website admins through support messages for help or inquiries. This direct line of communication ensures users get the assistance they need, enhancing support and satisfaction.


Various types

Our platform empowers website administrators to offer a wide array of services. This versatility ensures that administrators can cater to diverse customer needs, providing an extensive selection that meets various demands.

Service descriptions

We prioritize making users quickly acquainted with all available services. Clear and concise descriptions help users understand what each service entails, assisting in making informed decisions.

Service categories

To maintain a clutter-free and organized display of services, we implement categorization. This organization method groups services into categories, making it easier for users to navigate and find what they need efficiently.


Subscriptions automate the process of receiving likes, views, and similar interactions for new posts. This feature is designed to offer convenience by automatically applying selected services to new content, ensuring continuous engagement without manual intervention.

Likes spread

This feature automatically applies likes, comments, views, and more to existing posts. It's designed to enhance user engagement on previously published content without manual input, ensuring a consistent level of interaction across all posts.


Users have the flexibility to refill orders either through provider intervention or manually. Additionally, for enhanced service, paid refills are available, offering a reliable way to maintain service levels without interruption.

Refill check

The system continuously monitors for any drop in service levels (e.g., likes, views). If a decrease is detected, it automatically calculates the required quantity for refill and executes the refill for orders that necessitate it, ensuring sustained engagement.

365-day Refill button

We make the refill option accessible for up to 365 days, offering users the convenience to manage their services with flexibility and ensuring long-term user satisfaction and engagement.

Import from Growerse

This functionality allows for the swift importation of services from Growerse. It streamlines the process, saving time and effort for website administrators in expanding their service offerings.

Sync with Growerse

Keep service rates, minimum and maximum limits, and statuses synchronized with Growerse. This feature ensures consistency and accuracy in service offerings, enhancing reliability for users.

Copy from Growerse

Website administrators can effortlessly copy service descriptions from Growerse with a single click. This feature simplifies the process of service listing, making it quicker to offer new services to users.

Mass edit rates

Administrators have the capability to adjust service rates en masse, either by setting rates as a percentage or by establishing new rates for multiple services simultaneously. This eliminates the need to edit each service individually, significantly saving time.


The automation option allows orders to be divided into multiple intervals. This strategic approach helps in building engagement gradually, creating a more natural increase in user interactions and ensuring sustained attention over time.


Overflow provides a solution to complete customer orders efficiently, even in cases of unsubscribe/unfollow. This functionality ensures that service delivery targets are met, maintaining customer satisfaction despite fluctuations in subscriber/follow counts.


This feature allows users to order services in quantities that are multiples of a predefined value. It facilitates precise control over the amount of service ordered, ensuring compatibility with specific requirements or preferences.

Deny duplicates

To maintain order efficiency and prevent resource wastage, this system prohibits users from placing multiple orders with the same link. This ensures each order is unique, reducing confusion and potential overload on the system.

Cancel services

Canceling services you no longer wish to offer is made easy. This feature allows for the quick removal of services from your offerings, helping to keep your service list up-to-date and relevant to your current business model.

Restore deleted services

Accidentally deleted services can be restored, ensuring that valuable offerings are not permanently lost. This functionality provides a safety net for administrators, allowing for the retrieval of services that were mistakenly removed.

Bulk actions

Certain management actions concerning users, orders, support, services, and subscriptions can be executed in bulk. This capability enhances operational efficiency, allowing for the simultaneous handling of multiple items, which saves time and reduces effort.

Start count parsing*

This paid feature assesses the initial quantity of items before a service order is placed, providing a clear understanding of how many more items are needed. It aids in precise service planning and execution, ensuring accurate fulfillment of orders.

Auto complete*

As a paid feature, the system periodically reviews the current item count against order requirements and automatically updates the order status to complete once all criteria are met. This automation streamlines the order fulfillment process, ensuring timely and accurate service delivery without manual oversight.

Accept payments

150+ payment methods

Our platform supports a vast array of over 150 payment methods, ensuring that virtually every user finds a convenient option. We're committed to expanding our offerings, regularly integrating new payment methods to cater to a global audience.

Method instructions

To facilitate a seamless payment experience, we provide multilingual instructions for each payment method. This ensures that users from different linguistic backgrounds can easily understand and complete their transactions without confusion.

Extra fee

For certain payment methods, administrators have the option to set an additional fee. This fee, to be covered by the user when adding funds, compensates for transaction costs or other expenses associated with these payment methods.

Currency conversion

We accommodate users from various regions by offering payment options that support currency conversion. This feature ensures users can make transactions in their local currency, enhancing convenience and accessibility.

Min & max payment amount

Administrators can define minimum and maximum payment amounts for each payment method. This control helps in maintaining operational efficiency and compliance with transaction limits, tailored to the specifics of each payment option.

Payment bonuses

Encourage users to utilize certain payment methods by offering rewards for adding funds through these channels. This incentive can enhance user engagement and preference for more efficient or cost-effective payment methods.

Manage payments

The platform allows for manual addition of payments and the adjustment of balances. This flexibility is crucial for administrators to resolve discrepancies, process refunds, or manage accounts with specific needs.

Export payments

For analytical or accounting purposes, payment data can be exported in CSV format. This functionality includes customization options for columns, allowing for tailored data analysis and reporting to meet diverse business requirements.

Order processing

Growerse balance check

Ensure the sufficiency of your Growerse account's balance. This tool facilitates proactive balance management, allowing for timely fund additions to avoid disruptions in service delivery.

Update from Growerse

Offers a manual method to update order statuses that may have been incorrectly marked as completed. This feature ensures accurate tracking and fulfillment of orders by allowing corrections from Growerse.

Auto & manual modes

Choose between automated processing through Growerse API connection or manual management of orders. This flexibility supports diverse operational preferences, ensuring that you can select the mode that best fits your workflow and resource availability.

Export orders

Exporting order data in CSV format is streamlined, with the ability to customize the output to include necessary columns. This functionality supports efficient data analysis and reporting, tailored to specific administrative or compliance needs.

Resend orders

The option to resend an order ensures flexibility in handling issues or errors. This feature is crucial for maintaining service continuity and customer satisfaction in cases where initial order processing encounters challenges.

Cancel & refund

Enables the cancellation of specific orders at any time, with the option to issue refunds. This capability is essential for handling changes in service requirements or addressing customer concerns promptly and effectively.

Partial quantity

Define the remaining quantity of items to be added to an order, allowing for precise adjustments and fulfillment based on updated requirements or corrections.

Start count

Set the initial count of items for a specific order, establishing a baseline from which to measure the completion of service delivery. This feature aids in accurate order tracking and fulfillment.

Copy to clipboard

Mass copy critical data for multiple services, including order IDsa nd external IDs. This tool enhances operational efficiency by simplifying data management and integration tasks.

Status change

Manually adjust order statuses as needed to reflect real-time changes in order processing or fulfillment. This control is vital for accurate order management and customer communication.

Edit links

Quickly and efficiently edit links in specific orders, ensuring that order details are accurate and up-to-date. This feature supports modifications with minimal disruption to the order processing workflow.

Admin API

Enables administrators to integrate Growerse products and services into their websites and automate tasks. This API facilitates the expansion and customization of service offerings, enhancing operational efficiency.

Admin API v.2 beta

Introduces new RESTful Admin API methods, offering expanded options for automating website processes. This beta version represents the ongoing evolution of our platform, providing administrators with cutting-edge tools for sophisticated website management.

Refill management

Administrators have the capability to process and manage refill tasks smoothly and without complications. This feature streamlines the management of refills, ensuring that adjustments or cancellations are handled efficiently, maintaining service integrity and customer satisfaction.

Automation management

Offers the flexibility to change the status of automation orders, or cancel and refund them, whether individually or in bulk. This level of control allows for precise management of automation services, ensuring they align with customer needs and operational requirements.

Subscription management

Enables detailed review and modification of order details for individual subscriptions, as well as the ability to change statuses for multiple or all subscriptions simultaneously. This comprehensive management tool ensures that subscription services can be adjusted to reflect changing circumstances or customer requests, promoting a responsive and adaptable service environment.

User management

Create user accounts

User accounts are automatically registered upon signup, yet there's the flexibility to create accounts manually. This ensures that administrators can swiftly add users to the system, facilitating immediate access to services.

Custom rates

Setting custom rates for individual users is straightforward, allowing for personalized pricing strategies. This feature enhances the ability to cater to specific user needs or value high-volume customers with tailored rates.

Bulk custom rates reset

For efficient management, administrators can reset custom rates for multiple users simultaneously. This tool is invaluable for quickly implementing pricing strategy adjustments across a range of users.

Copy rates

The rate copying function enables administrators to apply the same rates from one user to others, streamlining the process of setting up pricing for similar user accounts. This can be done on an individual basis or to multiple users at once, saving time and ensuring consistency.

Amount spent

Administrators have the ability to track the total expenditure of each user on their platform. Monitoring spending habits provides valuable insights into user engagement and can help in tailoring services or promotions.

Allowed payment methods

Set specific payment methods available to each user, offering a customized checkout experience. This feature can be used to restrict or grant access to certain payment options based on user preferences or geographical location.

User discount

Offer personalized discounts on all website services for individual users. This approach to pricing can enhance loyalty and encourage increased usage of services among selected users.

Suspend users

Administrators can suspend users with just a few clicks, a necessary feature for managing compliance and ensuring a safe and respectful user community.

Export users

User data can be exported in CSV format, with customizable columns to suit specific data analysis or reporting needs. This flexibility supports administrators in maintaining accurate records and insights into user base dynamics.

Access rules

Modify and manage website access rules easily, defining which actions users are permitted to perform. This control helps in tailoring the user experience and maintaining operational integrity.

Email address confirmation

Mandatory email address confirmation for new sign-ups enhances security and verifies user identity. This step ensures that all accounts on the platform are associated with a valid and confirmed email address.

Customizable Signup form

Enhance your website’s signup form by adding additional fields. This customization allows for the collection of more detailed information from users, facilitating better communication and understanding of user demographics and preferences.

Visual Theme Editor

Create pages

Enables the creation of both public and internal pages, allowing for the addition and customization of necessary blocks and their components. This feature provides the flexibility to design a variety of pages tailored to specific needs or purposes.

Page visibility

Offers the ability to hide pages from users during the editing or customization process. This ensures that changes and updates can be made without disrupting the user experience or revealing work in progress.

Block types

A diverse selection of block types, including media and text, is available to suit different content purposes. This variety allows for dynamic and engaging website layouts that can cater to various content needs.

Block settings

Adjust default settings for block content, including height and width, to dictate how content appears within a block. These settings provide control over the presentation and layout of content, enhancing visual appeal and readability.

Block layouts

Features pre-made arrangements of visual elements within blocks, such as images and forms, offering different layout options to switch between. This simplifies the design process, allowing for quick and efficient customization.

Block styles

Edit the styles of blocks, including their components and elements like forms and tables, to transform the overall look of your website. This flexibility allows for a tailored aesthetic that aligns with brand identity or design preferences.

Block background

Customize block backgrounds with gradients, images, solid colors, or uploaded patterns. This level of customization enhances the visual impact of blocks, contributing to a cohesive and engaging site design.

Block forms & tables

Incorporate form and table blocks into website theme pages as needed, facilitating the collection of information or the display of data in a structured format, enhancing functionality and user interaction.

Duplicate blocks

Effortlessly duplicate blocks with just one click, streamlining the design process when replicating layouts or content structures across different parts of the website.


Utilize dividers to enhance transitions between blocks, with the ability to set default parameters and colors. Dividers help to visually segment content, improving readability and aesthetic appeal.

Menu items

Manage your website’s navigation by editing, adding, or deleting menu items. This control ensures that your website’s navigation is always up-to-date and aligns with your content strategy.

Navbar logo

Upload a custom logo image or display your website’s name in the navigation bar. This personalization contributes to brand recognition and offers flexibility in how your brand is presented.


Translate website content and system variables into multiple languages, making your website accessible to a wider audience. This feature supports inclusivity and global reach.

Unique content

Access a variety of pre-made content options for blocks, ensuring that your website remains unique and differentiated from others. This resource aids in creating distinct and engaging content.

WYSIWYG text editor

A What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) editor allows for direct editing of text within website blocks, showing real-time previews of how text will appear once published. This tool enhances ease of use and accuracy in content creation.


Select from pre-made font pairs, access a broader font library, and change font sizes across all pages with one click. This centralized control over typography ensures consistency and enhances readability.

Text blocks

Incorporate ready-made text blocks into your website to quickly populate it with content. This feature facilitates content creation, ensuring that websites can be filled with engaging text efficiently.

Video Blocks

Embed your own videos or those from platforms like YouTube or Vimeo into video blocks. This feature enhances content diversity, allowing for dynamic and multimedia-rich pages.

Image Blocks

Combine images with text in image blocks to create visually appealing content. This blend of visual and textual elements engages visitors and enhances the storytelling aspect of the website.

How It Works Block

Provide step-by-step instructions or guides on your website in a clear and organized manner. This block is instrumental in explaining processes or services to users.

Reviews Block

A ready-made solution for showcasing reviews from your website users. Displaying reviews builds trust with prospective customers and highlights positive feedback about your services or products.

Features Block

Highlight your website's key features prominently. This block is essential for communicating the benefits and unique selling points of your services or products to visitors.

FAQ Block

Offer a pre-made template for addressing frequently asked questions. This section is crucial for providing immediate answers to common queries, improving user experience and reducing support requests.

Totals Block

Display personalized user data, such as username, total amount spent, account balance, and active services. This block enhances user engagement by providing relevant and personalized information at a glance.


Customize the footer to include copyright statements or other important information. The footer is a key area for legal notices, contact information, and additional navigation links.


Embed links to external sources, specific website pages, or anchor links to certain blocks. This feature enhances navigation and directs users to relevant information or external resources.


Rearrange website blocks through a drag-and-drop interface. This functionality allows for easy customization of page layouts, ensuring content is presented in the most effective order.


Fine-tune the positioning of elements within blocks, providing flexibility in design and layout. This control allows for precise alignment and distribution of content elements.

Adaptive Blocks

Ensure all blocks and their contents automatically adapt to mobile devices. This responsiveness is crucial for providing an optimal viewing experience across all devices, catering to mobile-first users.

Color Customization

Create and apply a custom color palette across various sections of the website. This feature supports brand consistency and allows for unique color schemes that reflect the site’s aesthetic.

Theme Styles (Out Twig docs link)

Switch between different theme color styles, selecting the one that best suits your preference without losing previous edits. This flexibility allows for easy experimentation with color schemes.

Reset Styles

Quickly reset the style components of the theme's active style to default settings. This feature is useful for reverting changes and starting fresh with style customizations.

File Manager

Upload and manage various images for your website through the File Manager. This tool simplifies the organization and accessibility of media assets for website design.

Font Awesome icons

Incorporate Font Awesome icons into your website’s navigation bar or within blocks to enhance visual appeal and user navigation. Icons provide a universal language for conveying information and actions.

Pixabay integration

Access and utilize a wide range of free images from Pixabay for your website pages or blocks. This integration offers a vast library of high-quality images under Creative Commons licenses, enhancing the visual content of your site.

H1, H2, H3 tags

Utilize H1, H2, H3 tags to optimize website pages for search engines. Proper use of these tags improves SEO, helping to increase visibility and ranking in search engine results.

Image SEO

Enhance image indexing by adding alt and title text to images. This SEO practice is essential for ensuring that images contribute to the site’s search engine performance and accessibility.



Enable the creation of essential SEO elements: the title tag, meta description, and keywords for your website. This foundational SEO practice improves your site's visibility and ranking on search engines, making it easier for potential customers to find you.


Select reader-friendly URLs for your website pages to enhance memorability and SEO. Clear and descriptive URLs can significantly improve user experience and search engine ranking.


Automatically generates a sitemap for each website, facilitating search engine indexing by providing a roadmap of all your site's content. This tool is crucial for SEO as it helps search engines more effectively crawl your site.


Automatically creates robots.txt files, which instruct search engine bots on how to crawl and index pages on your website. This file is essential for controlling the visibility of your site's content on search engines.

Google Analytics

Integrate Google Analytics with your website by adding the Tracking Code. This powerful tool enables you to monitor website traffic, user behavior, and other important metrics, helping to inform your marketing strategies.


Launch a blog to share posts about SMM services and related topics, attracting more visitors to your website. A blog is an effective tool for engaging with your audience and improving your site’s SEO through fresh, relevant content.


Payment reports

Review detailed reports on user payments by method, gaining insights into your website's financial transactions. This data is vital for understanding payment preferences and streamlining your billing processes.

Order reports

Access comprehensive reports on order metrics, including the number of orders by service, total charges, and quantities. These insights can help you assess service popularity and financial performance.

Support reports

Evaluate the efficiency of your website's support staff in responding to user support messages. Understanding response effectiveness is key to improving customer service and user satisfaction.

Profit reports

Consolidate profit data from all or selected services in one location, offering a clear view of your financial success and areas for potential growth.

Admin options

Help center

Access detailed guides on the admin area's pages, enhancing your understanding of website management and maximizing the platform's capabilities.

Staff notifications

Set up notifications for received payments, manual and failed orders, and new messages, ensuring staff stay informed about critical activities.

Bell notifications

Receive real-time notifications about important updates and changes within your website's admin area, helping you stay on top of website management tasks.

Saved support replies

Improve support response times with pre-saved support replies. This feature enables efficient and consistent communication with users facing issues or inquiries.

Provider alias

Conceal the domain name of your provider ( from staff members, displaying an alias instead across all admin area pages. This helps maintain privacy and security regarding your service sources.

Admin two-factor authorization

Enhance security for staff accounts with email-based two-factor authentication, safeguarding against unauthorized access and enhancing overall website security.

Dark mode

Allow admins the option to switch to dark mode for a visually comfortable interface during prolonged use. This feature can help reduce eye strain and improve usability in low-light conditions.


Affiliate system

Implement a partner program designed to expand your customer base. This system encourages existing users to refer new customers, rewarding them for contributing to the platform's growth.

Website reselling

Offer cost-effective website solutions to your customers, positioning your platform as the sole service provider. This model allows for the creation of value-added services under your brand.

Free balance

Provide a one-time free balance to new users upon signup, incentivizing registration and initial engagement with your platform's services.

Support assignment

Enhance support efficiency by assigning support messages to specific staff accounts, either individually or in bulk. This system streamlines the support process, ensuring timely responses to user inquiries.

Average time

Display the average completion time for each service on the Services and New Order pages, setting realistic expectations for delivery times and enhancing customer satisfaction.


Allow users to view service rates, new order charges, and account balances in multiple currencies, catering to a global audience and improving user experience.


Automatically publish announcements regarding updates to website services, keeping users informed about new features, improvements, or changes.


Content delivery network

Utilize a network of proxy servers across various locations to reduce content download times, enhancing website speed and user experience.

Unlimited Bandwidth

Offer unlimited bandwidth, ensuring that your website's performance remains consistent regardless of traffic volume, without any additional costs.

DDoS Protection

Secure your website against DDoS attacks, ensuring reliable performance and minimizing downtime for a stable user experience.

Free SSL Certificate

Provide a 256-bit SSL certificate with every website, safeguarding customer data and transactions for a secure browsing environment.


Support the use of personal domains or assist in purchasing new ones, allowing for customized branding and easier recognition.

Regular Backups

Maintain regular backups of your website data, ensuring that it remains safe and can be quickly restored in any event.


Google Analytics

Incorporate Google Analytics for comprehensive website statistics and analytical tools, supporting effective SEO and marketing strategies.

Google Tag Manager

Simplify the management of website tags without needing to modify code, streamlining the process of tracking and analytics.


Create and implement engaging popups to boost conversion rates, effectively capturing user attention and encouraging action.


Enable direct communication with website visitors, linking them to messaging apps on desktop or mobile for immediate engagement.


Announce updates and gather feedback using an integrated notification center, widgets, and a changelog to engage with users effectively.


Announce updates and news to your customers efficiently, ensuring they stay informed about the latest developments on your platform.


Leverage push notifications on desktop and mobile to extend reach, drive revenue, and re-engage users effectively.


Utilize OneSignal's comprehensive customer engagement tools for mobile and web push notifications, emails, and in-app messages, enhancing communication and user retention.


Offer an all-in-one business messaging solution, including live chat, phone, email, and social media integration, to maintain seamless communication with customers.

Monitor and chat with website visitors in real time, providing immediate support and engagement through a customizable page or mobile app.


Combine live chat, chatbots, Messenger, and email communications in one platform, ensuring efficient and centralized customer interaction.

Zendesk Chat

Quickly address customer inquiries, reduce response times, and potentially increase sales with Zendesk's live chat solution.


Combine live chat, email inbox, and Facebook Messenger into a single customer messaging platform for streamlined communication.


Utilize Crisp's multichannel messaging platform to facilitate direct and effective communication between companies and customers across various channels.

Facebook Chat

Integrate Facebook Messenger directly on your website, offering familiar and convenient support to your customers.

WhatsApp Chat Button

Incorporate a WhatsApp chat button on your website, enabling support and communication with users via WhatsApp on both mobile and desktop.

FAQs About Basic and Pro website

    How does the search feature on the platform work?

    The search feature is designed to be simple and quick, helping users find services effortlessly. Users can search for what they need or browse through options to get relevant results fast, saving time and simplifying access to services.

    What is the Sync comments network?

    The Sync comments network from Growerse allows users to integrate and manage comments across the platform efficiently. It streamlines communication and engagement with feedback, fostering a connected and interactive community.

    Which languages are supported by the platform's language packs?

    The platform supports multiple languages including English, Turkish, Russian, Arabic, Korean, Spanish, and many others, along with additional support for languages like Afrikaans, Amharic, and Azerbaijani among others.

    How can I check the delivery time for my orders?

    Users can check the delivery time for their orders directly from their orders page, ensuring they are well-informed about the timing of their purchases.

    What is a PWA App?

    The platform supports Progressive Web Applications (PWA), allowing it to be used like an app on any device, offering easy access and offline functionality, simplifying task management.

    What are mass orders?

    Mass orders allow users to place multiple orders at once, ideal for distributing a large number of items simultaneously, saving time and effort.

    How does the User API benefit resellers?

    User API methods enable resellers to interact with the website through an API, facilitating connection and automation of tasks, which saves time and streamlines operations.

    What does multi-currency support mean?

    Multi-currency support allows the website to handle transactions in various currencies, making it easier for users from different countries to make purchases or use services.

    How does multi-language feature benefit users?

    The multi-language feature makes the website's interface available in multiple languages, making it more accessible and user-friendly for a global audience.

    What is RTL support?

    Right-to-left (RTL) support ensures that languages like Arabic and Hebrew are displayed correctly, improving navigation and user experience for RTL language readers.

    What can I find in my order history?

    Order history provides users with a record of all past orders in one place, helping track purchases, services, and actions taken, ensuring users stay organized and informed.

    What is the purpose of deposit history?

    Deposit history offers users a view of their account funding activities, aiding in budget management and understanding financial transactions within the website.

    Why is it important for a website to be mobile-friendly?

    Being mobile-friendly ensures users can easily access and navigate the website on smartphones and tablets, providing a consistent and convenient experience across devices.

    How does the time zone setup improve user experience?

    Time zone setup allows users to adjust the website's time settings to match their local time, enhancing usability and accuracy of time-sensitive information.

    What should I do if I forget my password?

    If you forget your password, the password reset feature enables you to easily recover access to your account, maintaining security without unnecessary delays.

    How does two-factor authorization enhance security?

    User two-factor authorization adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second form of verification, like email, protecting accounts from unauthorized access.

    What are user notifications used for?

    User notifications are used to share important updates, changes, or critical issues with users, keeping them informed and aware of relevant platform activities.

    How can I contact support?

    Users can contact support through support messages, allowing direct communication with website admins for assistance or inquiries, enhancing user support and satisfaction.

    Can the platform handle orders in multiple currencies?

    Yes, the platform's multi-currency feature allows for transactions in various currencies, accommodating users from different geographic locations.

    What advantages does the PWA App offer?

    The PWA App provides the convenience of using the platform like an application on any device, with added benefits of easy access and offline functionality, enhancing user experience.

    What types of services does the platform offer?

    The platform provides a wide array of services, ensuring that website administrators can cater to various customer needs with an extensive selection.

    How are service descriptions beneficial to users?

    Clear and concise service descriptions help users quickly understand what each service entails, assisting them in making informed decisions.

    What is the purpose of service categories?

    Service categories organize services into groups, making it easier for users to navigate and efficiently find what they need.

    How do subscriptions work?

    Subscriptions automate the application of services like likes, views, and interactions for new posts, ensuring continuous engagement without manual effort.

    What is the likes spread feature?

    The likes spread feature automatically applies likes, comments, views, and more to existing posts, enhancing engagement on previously published content.

    How does the refill option work?

    Users can refill orders manually or through provider intervention, with paid refills available to maintain service levels without interruption.

    What is the refill check feature?

    The system monitors for any drop in service levels and automatically executes refills for orders when necessary, ensuring sustained engagement.

    How long is the refill option available?

    The refill option is accessible for up to 365 days, providing users with flexibility in managing their services for long-term satisfaction.

    What does importing services from Growerse entail?

    Importing services from Growerse streamlines the process of expanding service offerings, saving time and effort for website administrators.

    How does syncing with Growerse benefit users?

    Syncing with Growerse ensures consistency and accuracy in service rates, limits, and statuses, enhancing reliability for users.

    What is the advantage of copying services from Growerse?

    Copying service descriptions from Growerse simplifies the listing process, making it quicker to offer new services.

    How do mass edit rates improve efficiency?

    Mass editing rates allows administrators to adjust service rates for multiple services at once, significantly saving time compared to individual edits.

    What is the purpose of automations?

    Automations divide orders into intervals, creating a more natural increase in engagement and ensuring sustained attention.

    How does the overflow feature work?

    Overflow completes customer orders efficiently, even with unsubscribe/unfollow events, ensuring targets are met and customer satisfaction is maintained.

    What does the increment feature do?

    The increment feature allows users to order services in precise multiples of a predefined value, facilitating control over service amounts.

    What is the deny duplicates feature?

    Deny duplicates prevents users from placing multiple orders with the same link, ensuring uniqueness and reducing system overload.

    How can services be canceled?

    Canceling services is easy and allows for the quick removal of offerings no longer desired, keeping the service list current.

    What is the restore deleted services feature?

    Accidentally deleted services can be restored, ensuring that valuable offerings are not permanently lost and can be retrieved if removed mistakenly.

    What are bulk actions?

    Bulk actions allow for the management of users, orders, support, services, and subscriptions in bulk, enhancing operational efficiency.

    How does start count parsing aid in service execution?

    Start count parsing provides an initial item quantity before placing an order, aiding in precise service planning and execution.

    What is the auto complete feature?

    Auto complete automatically updates the order status to complete once all criteria are met, streamlining the fulfillment process without manual oversight.

    How many payment methods does the platform support?

    The platform supports over 150 payment methods, catering to a wide range of preferences and ensuring convenience for a global audience.

    Are there instructions available for each payment method?

    Yes, multilingual instructions are provided for each payment method to facilitate a seamless payment experience for users from different linguistic backgrounds.

    Can administrators set an extra fee for certain payment methods?

    Administrators have the option to set an additional fee for certain payment methods to cover transaction costs or other expenses, which will be borne by the user when adding funds.

    Does the platform support currency conversion?

    Yes, the platform offers payment options that support currency conversion, allowing users to make transactions in their local currency for enhanced convenience and accessibility.

    Can administrators define min and max payment amounts?

    Administrators can define minimum and maximum payment amounts for each payment method, helping maintain operational efficiency and compliance with transaction limits.

    How can payment bonuses encourage users?

    Payment bonuses can encourage users to utilize certain payment methods by offering rewards for adding funds through these channels, enhancing user engagement.

    What management options are available for payments?

    The platform allows for the manual addition of payments and the adjustment of balances, providing flexibility to resolve discrepancies or manage accounts with specific needs.

    Is it possible to export payment data?

    Yes, payment data can be exported in CSV format for analytical or accounting purposes, with customization options for columns to meet diverse business requirements.

    What is the purpose of the Growerse balance check?

    The Growerse balance check tool ensures the sufficiency of your account's balance, facilitating proactive balance management to avoid disruptions in service delivery.

    How can I correct an order status marked incorrectly as completed?

    The platform offers a manual method to update order statuses via Update from Growerse, allowing corrections to ensure accurate tracking and fulfillment.

    What options are available for order processing modes?

    You can choose between automated processing through Growerse API connection or manual management of orders, providing flexibility to fit your operational preferences.

    Can I export order data?

    Yes, exporting order data in CSV format is possible, with customization options for necessary columns to support efficient data analysis and reporting.

    What does the resend orders feature do?

    The resend orders feature allows flexibility in reprocessing orders in cases where initial processing encounters issues, maintaining service continuity.

    How does cancel & refund work?

    This feature enables the cancellation of orders at any time with an option to issue refunds, essential for addressing customer concerns promptly.

    What is the partial quantity feature?

    Define the remaining quantity of items to be added to an order, allowing for precise fulfillment based on updated requirements or corrections.

    How is the start count used in order processing?

    Set the initial count of items for an order, establishing a baseline for measuring the completion of service delivery and aiding in accurate order tracking.

    What is the purpose of the copy to clipboard feature?

    Mass copy critical data for services to enhance operational efficiency by simplifying data management and integration tasks.

    How can I change the status of an order manually?

    The status change feature allows manual adjustment of order statuses to reflect real-time changes in processing or fulfillment accurately.

    Can I edit links in orders?

    Yes, the edit links feature enables quick and efficient modification of links in orders, ensuring accuracy and minimal disruption to workflow.

    What is the Admin API?

    The Admin API allows administrators to integrate Growerse products and automate tasks, facilitating service expansion and customization for enhanced efficiency.

    What does the Admin API v.2 beta offer?

    Admin API v.2 beta introduces new RESTful methods for advanced automation of website processes, providing cutting-edge tools for sophisticated management.

    How does refill management work?

    Refill management streamlines the processing and management of refills, ensuring efficient handling of adjustments or cancellations.

    What options are available for automation management?

    Automation management offers flexibility in changing the status of automation orders or canceling and refunding them, whether individually or in bulk.

    How can I manage subscriptions effectively?

    Subscription management enables the review and modification of details for individual subscriptions and the ability to change statuses for multiple or all subscriptions, promoting adaptable service.

    How are user accounts created on the platform?

    User accounts are automatically registered upon signup, with the option for administrators to manually create accounts, ensuring swift addition of users for immediate access to services.

    Can administrators set custom rates for users?

    Yes, administrators can set custom rates for individual users, allowing for personalized pricing strategies that cater to specific user needs or value high-volume customers.

    How does the bulk custom rates reset function work?

    Administrators can efficiently reset custom rates for multiple users at once, streamlining the implementation of pricing strategy adjustments across a user base.

    What is the copy rates feature?

    The copy rates feature enables administrators to apply the same rates from one user to others, either individually or to multiple users at once, saving time and ensuring pricing consistency.

    How can administrators track user expenditure?

    Administrators have the capability to track the total amount spent by each user, providing insights into user engagement and aiding in service or promotion tailoring.

    Can payment methods be customized for individual users?

    Specific payment methods can be set for each user, offering a customized checkout experience and the ability to restrict or grant access to certain payment options.

    How can user discounts enhance platform loyalty?

    Offering personalized discounts on website services for individual users can enhance loyalty and encourage increased usage among selected users.

    What does suspending users entail?

    Administrators can suspend users as needed, a key feature for managing compliance and ensuring a safe, respectful community on the platform.

    Is it possible to export user data?

    User data can be exported in CSV format, with customizable columns to fit specific analysis or reporting needs, aiding in user base management.

    How can access rules be managed?

    Website access rules can be modified and managed easily, defining permitted user actions to tailor experiences and maintain operational integrity.

    Why is email address confirmation important?

    Mandatory email address confirmation for new sign-ups enhances security and verifies user identity, ensuring all platform accounts are valid.

    How does customizing the signup form benefit the platform?

    Customizing the signup form with additional fields allows for the collection of more detailed user information, facilitating better communication and understanding of user demographics and preferences.

    How can I create pages using the Visual Theme Editor?

    The Visual Theme Editor enables the creation of both public and internal pages, allowing for the addition and customization of necessary blocks and their components, providing flexibility for designing pages tailored to specific needs.

    What does page visibility control offer?

    Page visibility control offers the ability to hide pages from users during editing or customization, enabling changes and updates without disrupting the user experience or revealing work in progress.

    What types of blocks are available?

    A diverse selection of block types, including media and text, is available to suit different content purposes, allowing for dynamic and engaging website layouts.

    How can I adjust block settings?

    Block settings can be adjusted to dictate content appearance, including height and width, providing control over the presentation and layout to enhance visual appeal.

    What are block layouts?

    Block layouts feature pre-made arrangements of visual elements within blocks, offering different layout options to facilitate quick and efficient design customization.

    How do I edit block styles?

    Block styles, including components and elements like forms and tables, can be edited to transform the look of your website, allowing for a tailored aesthetic that matches brand identity.

    Can I customize block backgrounds?

    Yes, block backgrounds can be customized with gradients, images, solid colors, or uploaded patterns, enhancing the visual impact and contributing to a cohesive site design.

    How are block forms & tables used?

    Block forms & tables can be incorporated into theme pages as needed, facilitating information collection or structured data display, enhancing functionality and user interaction.

    What does duplicating blocks entail?

    Duplicating blocks allows for the effortless replication of layouts or content structures across different parts of the website, streamlining the design process.

    How do dividers improve website design?

    Dividers enhance transitions between blocks, improving readability and aesthetic appeal by visually segmenting content with customizable parameters and colors.

    What control do I have over menu items?

    You can manage your website’s navigation by editing, adding, or deleting menu items, ensuring the navigation aligns with your content strategy and is always up-to-date.

    How can I customize the navbar logo?

    The navbar logo can be customized by uploading a custom logo image or displaying the website’s name, contributing to brand recognition and presentation flexibility.

    What does the multi-language feature offer?

    The multi-language feature enables content and system variable translation into multiple languages, making your website accessible to a wider audience and supporting global reach.

    How can I ensure my website's content is unique?

    Access to a variety of pre-made content options for blocks ensures your website remains unique and differentiated, aiding in the creation of distinct and engaging content.

    What is a WYSIWYG text editor?

    A WYSIWYG text editor allows for direct editing of text within website blocks, showing real-time previews of how text will appear once published, enhancing ease of use and accuracy in content creation.

    How can I customize fonts on my website?

    Select from pre-made font pairs, access a broader font library, and change font sizes across all pages with one click for consistent typography and enhanced readability.

    What are text blocks?

    Text blocks are ready-made content blocks that can be quickly added to your website, facilitating efficient content creation with engaging text.

    How do I use video blocks?

    Embed your own videos or those from platforms like YouTube or Vimeo into video blocks to enhance content diversity with dynamic and multimedia-rich pages.

    What purpose do image blocks serve?

    Combine images with text in image blocks to create visually appealing content that engages visitors and enhances the storytelling aspect of your website.

    How can I explain processes with the Visual Theme Editor?

    Use the How It Works Block to provide step-by-step instructions or guides on your website in a clear and organized manner.

    What is the Reviews Block?

    The Reviews Block is a ready-made solution for showcasing reviews from website users, building trust with prospective customers by highlighting positive feedback.

    How can I highlight my website's features?

    Use the Features Block to prominently highlight your website's key features, essential for communicating benefits and unique selling points to visitors.

    What is the FAQ Block?

    The FAQ Block offers a pre-made template for addressing frequently asked questions, crucial for providing immediate answers to common queries and improving user experience.

    What does the Totals Block display?

    The Totals Block displays personalized user data like username, total amount spent, account balance, and active services, enhancing user engagement with relevant information.

    How can I customize the footer?

    Customize the footer to include copyright statements or other important information, a key area for legal notices, contact info, and additional navigation links.

    What is the purpose of embedding links?

    Embed links to external sources, specific website pages, or anchor links to certain blocks to enhance navigation and direct users to relevant information or resources.

    How does the sortable feature work?

    Rearrange website blocks through a drag-and-drop interface for easy customization of page layouts, ensuring content is presented in the most effective order.

    What is block positioning?

    Fine-tune the positioning of elements within blocks for flexibility in design and layout, allowing for precise alignment and distribution of content elements.

    How do I ensure my website is mobile-friendly?

    Use adaptive blocks to ensure all content automatically adapts to mobile devices, providing an optimal viewing experience across all devices and catering to mobile-first users.

    Can I customize my website's color scheme?

    Create and apply a custom color palette across various sections of the website for brand consistency and unique color schemes that reflect the site’s aesthetic.

    How do custom themes enhance my website?

    Modify default themes to achieve a visually appealing design that stands out, encouraging creativity and individuality in website appearance.

    What are theme styles?

    Switch between different theme color styles, selecting one that suits your preference without losing previous edits, allowing for easy experimentation with color schemes.

    What does the file manager do?

    The File Manager allows you to upload and manage images for your website, simplifying the organization and accessibility of media assets for website design.

    How do Font Awesome icons enhance my website?

    Incorporate Font Awesome icons to enhance visual appeal and user navigation, providing a universal language for conveying information and actions.

    What is Pixabay integration?

    Access and utilize free images from Pixabay, offering a vast library of high-quality images under Creative Commons licenses, enhancing your site’s visual content.

    How do H1, H2, H3 tags improve SEO?

    Utilize H1, H2, H3 tags to optimize website pages for search engines, improving SEO and helping to increase visibility and ranking in search engine results.

    What is Image SEO?

    Enhance image indexing by adding alt and title text to images, an essential SEO practice for improving the site’s search engine performance and accessibility.

    How do I create essential SEO elements for my website?

    Enable the creation of essential SEO elements like the title tag, meta description, and keywords to improve your site's visibility and ranking on search engines, attracting potential customers.

    What is the importance of selecting reader-friendly URLs?

    Selecting reader-friendly URLs enhances memorability and SEO. Clear and descriptive URLs improve user experience and search engine ranking.

    How does a sitemap.xml benefit my website?

    A sitemap.xml automatically generates a roadmap of your site's content, facilitating search engine indexing and improving your site’s SEO by helping search engines crawl your site more effectively.

    What role does robots.txt play in SEO?

    Robots.txt files instruct search engine bots on how to crawl and index pages, controlling the visibility of your site's content on search engines and playing a crucial role in SEO.

    How can Google Analytics improve my marketing strategies?

    Integrating Google Analytics by adding the Tracking Code enables you to monitor website traffic, user behavior, and other metrics, informing your marketing strategies with valuable data.

    Why should I launch a blog on my website?

    Launching a blog to share posts about relevant topics attracts more visitors, engages with your audience, and improves your site’s SEO through fresh, relevant content.

    How can I review payment reports for my website?

    Review detailed reports on user payments by method to gain insights into your website's financial transactions, helping understand payment preferences and streamlining billing processes.

    What information can I find in order reports?

    Access comprehensive reports on order metrics, including numbers of orders by service, total charges, and quantities, to assess service popularity and financial performance.

    How can support reports improve customer service?

    Evaluate the efficiency of your website's support staff in responding to user messages through support reports, key for improving customer service and user satisfaction.

    What are profit reports useful for?

    Consolidate profit data from all or selected services in one location, offering a clear view of your financial success and identifying areas for potential growth.

    How can I better understand website management?

    Access detailed guides on the admin area's pages through the help center, enhancing your understanding of website management and maximizing the platform's capabilities.

    What are staff notifications?

    Set up notifications for received payments, manual and failed orders, and new messages to ensure staff stay informed about critical website activities.

    What are bell notifications?

    Receive real-time notifications about important updates and changes within your website's admin area, helping you stay on top of management tasks.

    How can saved support replies improve customer service?

    Improve support response times with pre-saved replies, enabling efficient and consistent communication with users facing issues or inquiries.

    What is a provider alias?

    Conceal the domain name of your provider from staff members by displaying an alias instead, maintaining privacy and security regarding your service sources.

    How does admin two-factor authorization enhance security?

    Enhance security for staff accounts with email-based two-factor authentication, safeguarding against unauthorized access and enhancing website security.

    What is the purpose of an activity log?

    Monitor staff activity with a log of all actions taken within the admin area, ensuring transparency and accountability within your team.

    What is the benefit of dark mode in the admin area?

    Dark mode offers a visually comfortable interface for admins during prolonged use, reducing eye strain and improving usability in low-light conditions.

    How does the affiliate system benefit my platform?

    The affiliate system encourages existing users to refer new customers, rewarding them and contributing to the platform's growth, thereby expanding your customer base.

    What is website selling?

    Offer cost-effective website solutions under your brand, positioning your platform as the sole service provider and creating value-added services for your customers.

    How does offering a free balance upon signup incentivize new users?

    Providing a one-time free balance to new users upon signup incentivizes registration and encourages initial engagement with your platform's services.

    What is support assignment?

    Support assignment enhances efficiency by directing support messages to specific staff accounts, streamlining the process and ensuring timely responses to user inquiries.

    How does displaying average completion time improve customer satisfaction?

    Displaying the average completion time for each service sets realistic expectations for delivery times, enhancing customer satisfaction.

    What benefits does multi-currency support offer?

    Multi-currency support allows users to view rates, charges, and balances in multiple currencies, catering to a global audience and improving user experience.

    How are users informed about updates to website services?

    Automatically publish announcements regarding updates to website services, keeping users informed about new features, improvements, or changes.

    How does a content delivery network improve my website?

    Utilizing a content delivery network reduces content download times through a network of proxy servers, enhancing website speed and user experience.

    What is the benefit of offering unlimited bandwidth?

    Offering unlimited bandwidth ensures that your website's performance remains consistent, regardless of traffic volume, without incurring additional costs.

    How does DDoS Protection contribute to my website's stability?

    Securing your website against DDoS attacks ensures reliable performance and minimizes downtime, providing a stable user experience.

    What is the importance of providing a free SSL Certificate?

    Providing a 256-bit SSL certificate with every website safeguards customer data and transactions, ensuring a secure browsing environment.

    How can I use personal domains with my website?

    Support the use of personal domains or assist in purchasing new ones to allow for customized branding and easier recognition.

    Why are regular backups important for my website?

    Maintaining regular backups of your website data ensures it remains safe and can be quickly restored, safeguarding against data loss.

    How does integrating Google Analytics benefit my website?

    Incorporating Google Analytics provides comprehensive website statistics and analytical tools, supporting effective SEO and marketing strategies.

    What is the advantage of using Google Tag Manager?

    Google Tag Manager simplifies the management of website tags without needing to modify code, streamlining tracking and analytics processes.

    How can Getsitecontrol enhance my website?

    Create and implement engaging popups with Getsitecontrol to boost conversion rates by capturing user attention and encouraging action.

    What functionality does GetButton provide?

    GetButton enables direct communication with website visitors, linking them to messaging apps on desktop or mobile for immediate engagement.

    How does Beamer improve user engagement?

    Beamer announces updates and gathers feedback using an integrated notification center, widgets, and a changelog to effectively engage with users.

    What is AnnounceKit used for?

    AnnounceKit efficiently announces updates and news to your customers, ensuring they stay informed about the latest developments on your platform.

    How does PushAlert benefit my website?

    Leverage PushAlert for push notifications on desktop and mobile to extend reach, drive revenue, and re-engage users effectively.

    What does OneSignal offer?

    Utilize OneSignal's comprehensive customer engagement tools for mobile and web push notifications, emails, and in-app messages, enhancing communication and user retention.

    What services does JivoChat provide?

    JivoChat offers an all-in-one business messaging solution, including live chat, phone, email, and social media integration, for seamless communication with customers.

    How does support customer engagement?

    Monitor and chat with website visitors in real time with, providing immediate support and engagement through a customizable page or mobile app.

    What is Tidio and how does it help?

    Tidio combines live chat, chatbots, Messenger, and email communications in one platform for efficient and centralized customer interaction.

    What benefits does Zendesk Chat offer?

    Zendesk Chat quickly addresses customer inquiries, reduces response times, and can potentially increase sales with its live chat solution.

    How does Smartsupp streamline communication?

    Smartsupp combines live chat, email inbox, and Facebook Messenger into a single customer messaging platform for streamlined communication.

    What is Crisp and how can it improve communication?

    Crisp utilizes a multichannel messaging platform to facilitate direct and effective communication between companies and customers across various channels.

    How can Facebook Chat enhance my customer support?

    Integrate Facebook Messenger directly on your website to offer familiar and convenient support to your customers.

    What does the WhatsApp Chat Button do?

    Incorporate a WhatsApp chat button on your website to enable support and communication with users via WhatsApp on both mobile and desktop.


























Yandex Zen



Choose a currency

  • Emirati dirham
    AED – د.إ
  • Angolan kwanza
    AOA – Kz
  • Azerbaijani manat
    AZN – ₼
  • Bangladeshi taka
    BDT – ৳
  • Brazilian real
    BRL – R$
  • Chilean peso
    CLP – $
  • Chinese yuan
    CNY – ¥
  • Czech koruna
    CZK – Kč
  • Danish krone
    DKK – kr.
  • Egyptian pound
    EGP – £
  • Euro
    EUR – €
  • British pound
    GBP – £
  • Ghanaian cedi
    GHS – ₵
  • Hungarian forint
    HUF – Ft
  • Indonesian rupiah
    IDR – Rp
  • Israeli new shekel
    ILS – ₪
  • Indian rupee
    INR – ₹
  • Iraqi dinar
    IQD – IQD
  • Japanese yen
    JPY – ¥
  • Kenyan shilling
    KES – KSh
  • South Korean won
    KRW – ₩
  • Kuwaiti dinar
    KWD – KD
  • Lao kip
    LAK – ₭
  • Libyan dinar
    LYD – LYD
  • Moroccan dirham
    MAD – DH
  • Mexican peso
    MXN – $
  • Malaysian ringgit
    MYR – RM
  • Mozambican metical
    MZN – MT
  • Nigerian naira
    NGN – ₦
  • Norwegian krone
    NOK – kr
  • Nepalese rupee
    NPR – ₨.
  • Omani rial
    OMR – OMR
  • Peruvian sol
    PEN – S/
  • Papua New Guinean Kina
    PGK – PGK
  • Philippine peso
    PHP – ₱
  • Pakistani rupee
    PKR – Rs
  • Russian ruble
    RUB – ₽
  • Rwandan franc
    RWF – RWF
  • Saudi riyal
    SAR – ر.س
  • Sudanese pound
    SDG – SDG
  • Swedish krona
    SEK – kr
  • Syrian pound
    SYP – SP
  • Thai baht
    THB – ฿
  • Tunisian dinar
    TND – TND
  • Turkish lira
    TRY – ₺
  • New Taiwan dollar
    TWD – NT$
  • Tanzanian shilling
    TZS – Tsh
  • Ukrainian hryvnia
    UAH – ₴
  • Ugandan shilling
    UGX – USh
  • Uzbek Som
    UZS – сум
  • Vietnamese đồng
    VND – ₫
  • Central African CFA franc
    XAF – CFA
  • West African CFA franc
    XOF – F
  • Yemeni rial
    YER – YR
  • South African rand
    ZAR – R